Friday, December 29, 2006

Break out the Rope Folks!

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Yes ladies and gentlemen.
Saddam may soon be swinging in the wind!

Now again. I usually do not celebrate the death of another person.
But some people are just SPECIAL.
I wont be cracking any CORONAS or anything but I know there are many Iraqi's that will be PARTYING in the streets following this one.

Of course the Baathist issued a warning on killing him.
Like it matters at this point.

The revolution will NOT be Televised?

Today Chavisimo himself said that he will not renew the license of the 2nd largest TV station in Venezuela. Now let me get this right? Liberals adore this guy right? He is the SOCIALIST/MARXISTS new CHAMPION is he not? So they must be dancing for joy that he is stepping one step closer to totalitarianism! After all he is following in his Daddies foot step. The bearded Dictator himself Castro.

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has said he will not renew the licence for the country's second largest TV channel which he says expires in March 2007.

In an address to troops, Mr Chavez said he would not tolerate media outlets working towards a coup against him.

Radio Caracas Television, which is aligned with the opposition, supported a strike against Mr Chavez in 2003.

But the TV's head said there must be some mistake as its licence was not up for renewal in the near future.

Now say Bush was to do this to EHHH I don't know. CNN. They are the Number 2 News Cable Station. The Liberals in this country would be in an absolute UPROAR! But yet a crap load of them will come to the defense of this damn psychopath.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Power of Attraction?

I found this video over at Pat Campbell's site.
And I found it rather interesting.
Its been something that I have thought about for years.
The power of the mind. The power of manifesting / shaping your own destiny so to speak.

Similar to say setting a goal for yourself and reaching for that goal.
But not just reaching. Believing you can make that goal a reality.
Say buying a house. Finding that special someone. Getting that promotion.
Not something silly like wanting to be a POP star at 40 or something. LOL.
I mean really looking a goal be it in the business world or in your own personal life. Looking at that goal in your mind and grasping it.
Not thinking of what can go wrong cause it will. But thinking of what can go right because it will.

Ever hear the saying "Misery needs company?"
Well its the same thing for negative thinking.
If you think of negative scenarios you will in your own mind manifest those negative scenarios. And Vice Versa.

There is supposed to be a second part to this video but the link on google doesn't work.

Still the first part is interesting.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Anyone else notice?

How quickly the internet is working today?

Telephone lines and Internet service went dead across much of Asia on Wednesday after two powerful earthquakes damaged undersea cables used by several countries to route calls and online traffic.

Repairing the cables could take weeks because crews have to pull them up and transfer them to a ship for repair, said Lin Jen-hung, vice general manager of Chunghwa Telecom Co., Taiwan's largest phone company.

I mean an earthquake is no laughing matter but MAN its really fast today. LOL.

I guess when about 1 billion people get off line that happens.


On a serious note however. Luckily no Tsunami occurred.
Thank God.

Kerry trie to make up with the troops.

Problem is they don't give a damn about him!

Story on Michelle Malkins site.

Who would have thought that the soldiers were.....
Educated and able to read the news?
After all. According to Kerry if you don't do well in school you get stuck in the military in Iraq!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Yeah I missed a Christmas Post....

I'll make up for it here!

You need to see these in order.

Nighmare in Bolivia.

Val over at has a great entry on the hell that Bolivia has become.
Through the eyes of a Cuban Refugee that left to of all places Bolivia!

Pipeline explosion kills at least 200

I will be honest here:

Stealing fuel from the country's pipelines is a common and many times deadly occurrence in Nigeria. In May, at least 150 people died when vandals tried to tap a petrol pipeline outside Lagos.

"People try to siphon fuel from a pipeline, and after that, maybe an hour, a couple hours after that -- someone lights a cigarette or a motorcycle engine backfires, and an explosion appears," CNN's Jeff Koinange explained.

These people should be getting this fuel for CHEAP if not damn near free!
These aren't people that in the position to be buying 3 dollar a tank gasoline.
They produce these riches in their soil so their should benefit greatly from its resources. IN SPADES!

That just isn't right that people need to siphon fuel off to survive!

Castro alive still? Really?

A Spanish surgeon who has just examined Cuban leader Fidel Castro said on Tuesday he is making a good recovery from intestinal surgery, does not have cancer, and could return to governing his country.

Wait a minute here.
I thought Cuban Doctors were like "the best in the world".
WTF do you need to fly in a Spanish Surgeon for?

"His physical activity is excellent, his intellectual activity intact, I'd say fantastic, he's recovering from his previous operation," Sabrido, head of surgery at Madrid's Gregorio Maranon public hospital, told a news conference after returning from Cuba.

His intellectual activity? I always just thought he was a malicious psychopathic bastard? So he is formulating thoughts properly too? I also didn't know that gastric surgery effects the brain? Hmmmm...

Bait and Switch?

Counting on the support of the new Democratic majority in Congress, Democratic lawmakers and their Republican allies are working on measures that could place millions of illegal immigrants on a more direct path to citizenship than would a bill that the Senate passed in the spring.

The lawmakers are considering abandoning a requirement in the Senate bill that would compel several million illegal immigrants to leave the United States before becoming eligible to apply for citizenship.

The lawmakers are also considering denying financing for 700 miles of fencing along the border with Mexico, a law championed by Republicans that passed with significant Democratic support.

I get it.
Things have died down a bit since the summer on the ILLEGAL immigration thing and now they are switching everything on us!
Son of a Bitch!

Its all about trying to get my vote.
Well guess what. You pass this next effort to let people that clearly broke the law become citizens and you will loose many votes.

But Mr. Flake described himself as optimistic, saying the elections had disabused many Republicans of the notion that opposing legalization and guest worker plans would win widespread support.

“That illusion is gone,” he said.

The percentage of Hispanics who voted for Republicans fell to 29 percent, from 44 percent in 2004, and some Republicans say passing immigration bills is a crucial part of the effort to win them back.

Mr. Flake warned that some Republicans might balk at proposals like broadening the number of illegal immigrants eligible for a less burdensome path to citizenship, making passage of bipartisan legislation potentially “politically more difficult.”

This shit spits in the face of every immigrant in this nation that came here legally and spent months years even awaiting their first visa and green card. Myself and my parents included.

Not to mention many are using false Identifications. Which by my last estimation is a FELONY! Let you or I get a false ID and work on it for a few years. See how long they throw us in jail for.

I already highlighted in a previous post how as SOON as the illegal immigrants were removed from their ILLEGAL jobs they had, AMERICAN CITIZENS were filling those jobs!

One small step Islam....

One Giant LEAP for Sharia Law being implemented in the US.

Speaking in Dearborn late Sunday night, the first Muslim elected to Congress told a cheering crowd of Muslims they should remain steadfast in their faith and push for justice.

"You can't back down. You can't chicken out. You can't be afraid. You got to have faith in Allah, and you've got to stand up and be a real Muslim," Detroit native Keith Ellison said to loud applause.

Many in the crowd replied "Allahu akbar" -- God is great.

Get used to that phrase boys and girls.
Something tells me we will be hearing it more often this coming year.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

I thought Illegals were doing theJobs Americans didn't want?

Applicants line up to fill jobs left empty by Swift plant raid.

The line of applicants hoping to fill jobs vacated by undocumented workers taken away by immigration agents at the Swift & Co. meat-processing plant earlier this week was out the door Thursday.

This can't be right?
This is a slaughterhouse? Where exactly are these people coming from?
You mean there are AMERICAN CITIZENS that didn't have jobs in these cities that wanted them but couldn't get them? GET OUTA HERE? And at such a to quote Geraldo "horrible place to work that Americans simply wont work at"

Ohhh really?

Greg Bonifacio heard about the job openings on television and brought his passport, his Colorado driver's license, his Social Security card and even a color photograph of himself as a young Naval officer to prove his military service.

"I don't want to hassle with any identification problems because of my last name," said Bonifacio, a 59- year-old Thornton resident of Filipino heritage.

Sounds like he needed job bad.

Like many others who had mixed emotions about the raid, Maxine Hernandez said she was upset that families were torn apart, but believes illegal immigrants should not get work using fake documents.

No sweetie. They shouldn't be in the country at all!

"My whole family used to work there. My mom, my aunt, uncles," she said. "I guess it sort of runs in our blood."

The USED to work there?
I wonder if they were fired because an illegal would do it at less the wage?

Trump to Rosie: You're SUED!

Trump Hits back hard on the ugly behemoth herself Rosie O'Donnell.

Earlier this afternoon Trump announced he is filing suit against the TV talk show host. "She says things that come to her mouth, she's not smart, she's crude, she's ignorant and to be honest I look forward to suing Rosie," he told our cameras. "I'm gonna sue her and I look forward to it. She's really very dangerous for the show."

You know I liked trump before.
But damn it. I really like him now.
The man plays no games when it comes to his name and his image.

Rosie has been known to spout off crap before.
Such as her "Ching, Chong, Ching" tirade a few weeks ago.
Where she "apologized"
And also prior to that calling "Radical Christianity is just as threatening as radical Islam".

She did no apologize for that!

So this latest tirade by her shouldn't SHOCK anyone.
She is known for this crap.
Only difference is this time. Someone is going to bite back a LOT harder then she can ever bark.

As Trump said "Rosie is a LOOSER"

Go Trump. Rip that fat bitch a new one!

The Berger man is BACK!!

Yes everyone favorite little thief is back in the news.
This time its an update on what exactly Berger did with those Archive documents he STOLE!

President Clinton's national security adviser removed classified documents from the National Archives, hid them under a construction trailer and later tried to find the trash collector to retrieve them, the agency's internal watchdog said Wednesday.

So let me get this right.

Before it was passed off as just "Ohh if you knew Sandy" said Clinton. "you would know that he does this kind of stuff all the time, forgetful about here he put things"

Well it seems like Berger knew EXACTLY what he was doing and where he was going with those classified documents.

Now for some damn reason this man isn't doing jail time for removing classified information from a gov't building. Ok so he has status being former National Security Adviser and all but to pass it off as a "brief stir in 2004" as the New York Times is saying is ridiculous.

I guess it is a brief stir if its something that may have implicated the Clinton administration in negligence prior to 9/11. You know seeing as Clinton was the king to all of the left. The man could do no wrong.

But if the Bush admin is wire tapping Al Qaueda here in the US. WELL OMFG that is front page headline news for weeks at a time. With the occasional reminder here and there!


Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Father and Son story.

I just needed to put it on my blog.
This is what a real father should be.
To bad there are so many dead beat dads here in America.
Fathers that remove themselves from their kids.

I can only wish to be as good a dad as that.
But I will sure as heaven try!

I find this very very interesting.

None of the major news sights are even reporting this on their front pages.
You figure something like Iran now reporting they have Nuclear Power is major news?
Something that would effect the nation here in the US. But nope.
Not a single one is even having it on their sub section pages.
Not CNN. Not FOX. Not NY TIMES. No one is.


Don't know why?

Iran has gone Nuclear!

So once again the UN has done NOTHING to stop another Nuclear Power from rising.
All the security Council's threats of sanctions have gone RIGHT OUT THE WINDOW.
This shows once more that with no teeth a Speech is slurred.

They have hit a level that will now make them 100 times harder to not only talk to but also negotiate with. If there is such a thing to Iran. Negotiation seems to involve, them saying they will do something and the UN simply making a angry face.

Ahmadineajd: Iran now nuclear power

Iranian president: Our scienists have reached zenith, accessed nuclear fuel cycle

Iran is now a "nuclear power," its President, Mahmoud Ahamdinejad, delcared Wednesday, according to the Islamic Republic News Agency .

So now we are at a point where those on the left and some on the right even will probably will say that we should still talk to Iran and come to an agreement.

For those that think that is the right course to take with a Mad man in Ahamdinejad I give you this:

Appeasement is not a winning strategy. It never has been.
The next step will be the same one that India took and Pakistan as well.

A nuke. It is coming and liberals can deny it all they want. But it is going to happen. The funniest part is that we won't even know that they have one till they say they have one. Much like India and Pakistan. While bill was getting a blow job. Things were happening out there that frankly he dropped the ball on.
No surprise there.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Fightin in Gaza...

I am sure the fighting between Hammas and Fattah are somehow Israels fault.

Appesement similarities from WW2 and Today.

Saw this video on the CL forums and had to post it up.
The humor is there for effect but the similarities are obvious!

Monday, December 18, 2006

The Pursuit of Happyness

Stepping away from politics for a minute.
I saw this movie this weekend and have to say that Will Smith once again proves how versatile an actor he really is.
From his original Fresh Prince of Bel Air days to the action packed Bad Boys to the horrible Wild West. The man has proven that you don't have to stuck in one industry and stay there. Making the jump from Hip Hop to TV to the big screen. His story alone is worthy of a novel.

Will Smith has done some amazing movies and some not so great ones. With the great ones far out weighting the not so great ones.

This movie fits under the category of WONDERFUL!

The movie is of the short portion of the life of Chris Gardner. Coming from nothing to something through sheer will and determination. Something that many seem to forget is necessary in today's world to succeed.

The story is to me truly inspiring.
Its mostly revolved around what Chris and his son went through when his son was 5.
Think about that for a minute. In a world today where men seem to not even care about their kids this story of a MAN taking car of his son comes out. Truly AWESOME!

There are scenes in the movie that are symbolic I think.
Like the one of him just getting kicked out of his Motel and having to pretend with his son that Dinosaurs are all around him and they need to take shelter in a cave (subway bathroom).

The scene then shows Chris Gardner (Will Smith) holding back the doors of the Bathroom stall from someone pounding on the door while shielding his son from the noise of the pounding. Tears coming down Will's face in a truly symbolic scene. Such as life pounding away at their lives and Chris Gardner doing everything he can to hold that back from his son.

Most of the movie is Gardner running.
If its not running for his machine its running to get his son from day care.
Hence the Pursuit part.
The man is an inspiration.

Hopefully THE MOVIE and its main character receive more air time then 50 cent or any other rapper out there. No drug slanging or jail time for street cred. But sheer passion, determination and fatherhood. If more youths in the ghettos of America focused on these sorts of people our Ghettos wouldn't be looked at as Ghettos and more like just Neighborhoods.

A must see for everyone I think.

Will Smith should get an Oscar nod for his performance in this one.
And his son was simply ADORABLE! Smart kid. Great Little Will in the making for sure.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

I think Leahy forgot something...

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The incoming Democratic chairman of the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee promised on Wednesday to combat what he denounced as President George W. Bush's war-time trampling of American rights.

"We have a duty to repair real damage done to our system of government over the last few years," Sen. Patrick Leahy of Vermont said in outlining his panel's agenda for the 110th, Democratic-led Congress, which is set to convene on January 4.

Can you say PROJECT ECHELON Mr Senator?

More info here

See the main difference is that Clinton didn't tell ANY of you what was going on. At least Bush had the courtesy to let you know of what was going on even going as far as briefing the senate intelligence committee. Which seeing as Reyes is the new incoming head of the committee will be lacking more intelligence then I thought was possible.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

The man gets it!

What else can I say.
General Schissler gets it.

Air Force Brig. Gen. Mark O. Schissler said in an interview that the current strategy for fighting Islamists includes both military and ideological components that make it similar to the 40-year Cold War against communism.
"We're in a generational war. You can try and fight the enemy where they are and where they're attacking you, or prevent them and defend your own homeland," said Gen. Schissler, deputy director for the war on terrorism within the strategic plans office of the Pentagon's Joint Staff.
"But that's not enough to stop it. We've got to break the chain, and that's ... the ideology. We really need to show the errors in Islamist extremist thinking."

I have been saying this since like 04.
Americans want everything now. As in last week.
Everything need to be done like a pop tart. Instant. And many Americans simply do not grasp the threat. Its to out there for them. Lets face it many don't even know where to point to Iraq or Afghanistan on a map.

The current war on terrorism requires fighting with ideas. In the Cold War, "we didn't beat ...the communists by militarily taking them to the battlefield," he said. "We took them to the intellectual battlefield and beat them against their ideas, the ideology of communism."
One goal is to disrupt al Qaeda efforts to "radicalize" young people ages 19 to 25 through educational efforts. Another objective is to assist moderate Muslims who see extremism as unacceptable.

It is a war of ideas. Sad thing is that the radicalizing is taking place sooner then 19.
Just look the video. Don't take my word for it.
Listen to the kids words:

Ultimately, Muslim scholars, clerics and other religious and government leaders will have to "take a stand," albeit one that carries grave risks because of the extremists' harsh methods, Gen. Schissler said.

While there are some that have taken great risks to speak out against this radicalism.
Don't hold your breathe General.

Illiegal Immigrant Raids...Unions defend?

Now correct me if I am wrong here but were not Unions originally set up in the US to protect US CITIZENS JOBS from being moved over seas?

So now we have a situation here where that are raid on Illegal Immigrants working with false ID's (US CITIZENS ID'S) and the people that swoop in to save them is a UNION?


The raids capped a 10-month investigation into an identity-theft scheme that may have hundreds of victims, both U.S. citizens and legal residents, officials said.

Authorities did not say how mnay people were arrested at the plants in Greeley; Grand Island, Neb.; Cactus, Texas; Hyrum, Utah; Marshalltown, Iowa; and Worthington, Minn.

The United Food and Commercial International Workers union said it would ask federal judges in all six states to halt the raids. Union spokeswoman Jill Cashen said attorneys were gathering details before filing the requests.

No charges had been filed against Swift. In a written statement, President and CEO Sam Rovit said the company has never knowingly hired illegal workers and does not condone the practice.

Immigration officials last month informed Swift that it would remove unauthorized workers on Dec. 4, but Swift asked a federal judge to prevent agents from conducting the raid, arguing it would cause "substantial and irreparable injury" to its business.

So ok... The raids were held off past Dec. 4th because of "substantial injury" to WHOM?
The union and their year end bonuses for Union Due's collections?
Give me a damn break. If anything the Union should also be slapped with a law suit.

"They are taking mothers and fathers and we're really concerned about the children," said the Rev. Clarence Sandoval of St. Thomas Aquinas Roman Catholic Church in Logan, Utah. "I'm getting calls from mothers saying they don't know where their husband was taken," he said.
Maybe they shouldn't have come into the country illegally and committed a FELONY.
If I were to steal someones Identity I would be thrown in jail with a court date on how long I will be serving.
Spare me the tears Reverend.
You are more concerned with the money you wont be collecting during next Sunday's sermon.

Why is is so damn hard for people to understand that all we want is for people to come here LEGALLY. Is that a concept too far out there for people?
Want to see what the US will be like if this continues? Look no further then California.

How sick is this?

I thought Islam was the religion of peace and happiness?
Yet they are literally indoctrinating their children with this thirst for jihad. Training an entire generation to hate without knowledge. Just to simply hate. Not teaching them anything about peace at all but all about hate.

How TOTALLY ridiculous is that!?

Yet you have people like jimmy carter saying that all the Palestinians want is peace?
And assholes like Bakers saying that we should negotiate with Iran and Syria and force Israel to give back the Golan Heights? WTF?

Somehow in the eyes of liberals, America and Israel are at fault for Muslims killing people in Somalia, Chechnya, India, Australia and Ethiopia!

What a bunch of twisted fucks!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

UPS doesn't deliver to Israel?


I was reading this on Debbie Schlussels page and frankly was shocked by this.

Last night, I called UPS to verify this, and, in fact it is true. Not only is it true, but UPS will not recognize even parts of Israel that are within the "Green Line," such as the Golan Heights. A man from UPS read me the following statement (which is not on the UPS website--perhaps they are too cowardly to acknowledge this online):

UPS service is provided to and from most addresses within Israel and the Palestine [sic] Authority area, except for Jewish settlements in the West Bank, a few remote areas in the Golan Hieghts, and the Southern Negev desert.

I asked the UPS employee if I could send a package to "Palestinian" areas of the West Bank. He said yes. I asked him if I could send a package to terrorist infested Ramallah. He said yes. I asked him if I could send a package to Arab areas in the Golan Heights. Again, the answer was "YES."

I asked the man why UPS would not deliver to Jewish areas of these regions. He responded, "for security reasons. It's dangerous there." A big, fat lie--the Jewish areas are the only safe areas in these regions. In the Palestinian areas, the UPS man might be tortured and/or beheaded and his "package" castrated without anesthetic, as is a traditional form of torture there.

What a bunch of BULLSHIT!

This is just CLASSIC!

This is what we call in the online forum world being PWNED!

Aftermath of US cutiing and running is clear here!

MOGADISHU, Somalia (Reuters) -- Somalia's Islamist movement warned arch-foe Ethiopia on Tuesday to withdraw troops from the Horn of Africa nation within a week or face war.

The Islamists, who dominate most of the south, say Ethiopia has at least 30,000 troops in Somalia near the provincial town of Baidoa, where an internationally recognized interim government is based.

Ethiopia, the West and the United Nations back the government, but its power does not extend beyond that town.

"Starting today, if the Ethiopians don't leave our land within seven days, we will attack them and force them to leave our country," Islamist defense chief Sheikh Yusuf Mohamed Siad "Inda'ade" told reporters in Mogadishu.

Addis Ababa scoffed at the threat, while the United Nations urged the Islamists not to start a war that many have been fearing for months and that could spread across the region.

"I hope they will not be the beginners of this. They should avoid statements that inflame an already critical situation," U.N. envoy to Somalia, Francois Lonseny Fall, told Reuters.

The Islamists took Mogadishu and a swath of south Somalia in June, threatening the fragile authority of the interim government of President Abdullahi Yusuf.

Diplomats and witnesses say thousands of Ethiopian troops have crossed the border to protect Yusuf's government in and around Baidoa. But Addis Ababa only acknowledges sending several hundred armed military advisers.

Sounds like cutting and running worked out FABULOUS!

Intellegence Committee Chair without Intelligence?

This further highlights my points that the democratic party doesn't have a single CLUE on the threat that Islamic Extremists pose on the United States.

The question proved nettlesome for Rep. Silvestre Reyes of Texas, incoming Democratic chairman of the House of Representatives Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

"Predominantly -- probably Shi'ite," he said in a recent interview with Congressional Quarterly, a periodical that covers political and legislative issues in Congress.

Unfortunately for Reyes, the al Qaeda network led by Osama bin Laden is comprehensively Sunni and subscribes to a form of Sunni Islam known for not tolerating theological deviation.

But wait it gets better!

Asked to describe the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah, Congressional Quarterly said Reyes responded: "Hezbollah. Uh, Hezbollah," and then said, "Why do you ask me these questions at five o'clock?"
I didn't know this information leaves your mind at 5 o'clock.
Maybe he didn't get the memo on Hezbollah?
You know that little faction of a tens of thousands militants that waged a war in the Middle East this past July with Israel. You know the group that prior to 5 o'clock was part of a proxy military of Iran. Those crazy Shi'tte's or is it Sunni? LOL....

Ok so lets just say that he is just a rookie Senator and didn't get briefed?

"As a member of the intelligence committee since before 9/11, I'm acutely aware of al Qaeda's desire to harm Americans. The intelligence committee will keep its eye on the ball and focus on the pressing security and intelligence issues facing us," Reyes said in the statement.
Ohh wait? So WTF were you doing during those Intel Briefings Mr. Reyes?
What did they all occur after 5 o'clock!

And these are the people we just entrusted the nations security to?
Lets not even get on the fact that Reyes used to be a border patrol agent.
Hmmmmm. How did that go again Mr. Reyes? 15-25 Million Illegal immigrants later?

Monday, December 11, 2006

Kirk Douglas on his 90th Birthday....

His message is simple for his 90th but it should ring true.

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 9 /PRNewswire/ -- My name is Kirk Douglas. You may know me. If you don't ... Google me. I was a movie star and I'm Michael Douglas' dad, Catherine Zeta-Jones' father-in-law, and the grandparents of their two children. Today I celebrate my 90th birthday.

I have a message to convey to America's young people. A 90th birthday is special. In my case, this birthday is not only special but miraculous. I survived World War II, a helicopter crash, a stroke, and two new knees.

It's a tradition that when a "birthday boy" stands over his cake he makes a silent wish for his life and then blows out the candles. I have followed that tradition for 89 years but on my 90th birthday, I have decided to rebel. Instead of making a silent wish for myself, I want to make a LOUD wish for THE WORLD.

Let's face it: THE WORLD IS IN A MESS and you are inheriting it. Generation Y, you are on the cusp. You are the group facing many problems: abject poverty, global warming, genocide, AIDS, and suicide bombers to name a few. These problems exist, and the world is silent. We have done very little to solve these problems. Now, we leave it to you. You have to fix it because the situation is intolerable.

You need to rebel, to speak up, write, vote, and care about people and the world you live in. We live in the best country in the world. I know. My parents were Russian immigrants. America is a country where EVERYONE, regardless of race, creed, or age has a chance. I had that chance. You are the generation that is most impacted and the generation that can make a difference.

I love this country because I came from a life of poverty. I was able to work my way through college and go into acting, the field that I love. There is no guarantee in this country that you will be successful. But you always have a chance. Nothing should interfere with it. You have to make sure that nothing stands in the way.

When I blow out my candles -- 90! ... it will take a long time ... but I'll be thinking of you.

The message that goes unheard by millions is RIGHT ON!
There is opportunities in this country that other nations citizens can only dream of having and we squander it in this country. Sad indeed.

Instead of knowing out your elected officials about the world we consume our daily lives with crap. Like who was last years winner on American Idol. Heck I am sure there are people that can name the final 10 from the last 6 seasons. Sad indeed.

While its okay to indulge in these sorts of things, its more important not only for yourselves but for this nation to stay informed and realize that opportunities are out there for everyone regardless of your race or sex. Skip the excuses and make strides!

Spying on Diana???

Talk about having your priorities all screwed up.
Mean while back in the US Mohammad Attah was planning to run planes into buildings and Clinton has his people wire tapping Diana?
And libs have a problem with the Bush tapping terror suspects?
Talk about a warped sense of reality!

Dennis Miller Gets it!

Why is it so damn hard for libs it understand this?

Problem Solved in Global Warming Debacle....

Kill all the cows!

Meet the world's top destroyer of the environment. It is not the car, or the plane,or even George Bush: it is the cow.

A United Nations report has identified the world's rapidly growing herds of cattle as the greatest threat to the climate, forests and wildlife. And they are blamed for a host of other environmental crimes, from acid rain to the introduction of alien species, from producing deserts to creating dead zones in the oceans, from poisoning rivers and drinking water to destroying coral reefs.

The 400-page report by the Food and Agricultural Organisation, entitled Livestock's Long Shadow, also surveys the damage done by sheep, chickens, pigs and goats. But in almost every case, the world's 1.5 billion cattle are most to blame. Livestock are responsible for 18 per cent of the greenhouse gases that cause global warming, more than cars, planes and all other forms of transport put together.

Prepare yourselves for the latest push by Vegans to start making for more vegetable eaters. And prepare yourself for PETA to start filling petitions for less cows to be mated for food! Ahhh the Irony. LOL...

Burning fuel to produce fertiliser to grow feed, to produce meat and to transport it - and clearing vegetation for grazing - produces 9 per cent of all emissions of carbon dioxide, the most common greenhouse gas. And their wind and manure emit more than one third of emissions of another, methane, which warms the world 20 times faster than carbon dioxide.

Livestock also produces more than 100 other polluting gases, including more than two-thirds of the world's emissions of ammonia, one of the main causes of acid rain.

Ranching, the report adds, is "the major driver of deforestation" worldwide, and overgrazing is turning a fifth of all pastures and ranges into desert.Cows also soak up vast amounts of water: it takes a staggering 990 litres of water to produce one litre of milk.

Wastes from feedlots and fertilisers used to grow their feed overnourish water, causing weeds to choke all other life. And the pesticides, antibiotics and hormones used to treat them get into drinking water and endanger human health.

The pollution washes down to the sea, killing coral reefs and creating "dead zones" devoid of life. One is up to 21,000sqkm, in the Gulf of Mexico, where much of the waste from US beef production is carried down the Mississippi.

The report concludes that, unless drastic changes are made, the massive damage done by livestock will more than double by 2050, as demand for meat increases.

So wait a minute.... This can't be right. You mean to tell me taht George Bush isn't involved in this somehow? You mean him and his cronies at Haliburton aren't involved? That is impossible.

It has to be somehow tied to KBR genetically engineering cattle to "fart" more often and raise Carbon Monoxide levels on the globe in an effort to force more people to use oil and manipulate a war with the Indian's in the middle east for their cattle loving ways. That way we can then turn the farts of the cows into Oil to line the pockets of those evil republicans. Yeah that's it!

Friday, December 01, 2006

Illegal aliens murder 12 daily in the US.

But that isn't possible. They only come here for work. Its not as thought they are doing it like on purpose or anything right?

A report by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Study found 20 percent of fatal accidents involve at least one driver who lacks a valid license. In California, another study showed that those who have never held a valid license are about five times more likely to be involved in a fatal road accident than licensed drivers.

Statistically, that makes them an even greater danger on the road than drivers whose licenses have been suspended or revoked – and nearly as dangerous as drunk drivers.

King also reports eight American children are victims of sexual abuse by illegal aliens every day – a total of 2,920 annually.

Based on a one-year in-depth study, Deborah Schurman-Kauflin of the Violent Crimes Institute of Atlanta estimates there are about 240,000 illegal immigrant sex offenders in the United States who have had an average of four victims each. She analyzed 1,500 cases from January 1999 through April 2006 that included serial rapes, serial murders, sexual homicides and child molestation committed by illegal immigrants.

As the number of illegal aliens in the U.S. increases, so does the number of American victims.

I mean come the hell on now America. Particularly you liberals!

Its not like this is the only incident. WND seems to be tracking every story that involved an illegal alien killing a us citizen.

Take this case for example of a US marine killed before Thanksgiving. Not in Iraq by an insurgent. But in the US by an illegal alien. Or as I like to call them pre-citizens.

The landscaper charged with vehicular homicide and drunken driving in a crash Thanksgiving night that killed a Marine on leave and his date is apparently in the country illegally and had received a Maryland driver's license by first obtaining one from North Carolina - a state whose loose requirements once made it a favorite for undocumented aliens seeking identification cards.

It is unclear how Eduardo Raul Morales-Soriano, 25, a Mexican citizen living in Laurel, came to the United States or whether the North Carolina license was his first, but anti-immigration activists said yesterday said that until North Carolina changed its licensing laws in August, the state was a magnet for immigration fraud.

Link can be found here.

When the hell will Americans wake the fuck up?

What is most surprising to me. Well not really.
Is that not CNN, NBC, NY TIMES, LA TIMES, etc etc are even carrying this story. I mean they will post of daily figures of a marine killed in Iraq but one here by an illegal? Well that is blasphemous!