Gen. Tommy Franks sets the record STRAIGHT!
So there have been a LOT of BS being put out there by the left on Bush. That he fired Franks cause they differed on opinion, he and Rumsfeld bumped heads that he is a puppet etc etc.
Franks talks about this and more.
* President Bush was never in a rush to invade Iraq.
* Bush was always a good leader – calm, studious and deliberative – and was never steam-rolled by his top advisors, but was always his own man.
* Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld is getting a bum rap.
* No administration would have allowed Iraq to continue with business-as-usual after 9/11.
* There was plenty of planning and preparation for post-invasion operations in Iraq.
* There is a definable limit to what the U.S. will tolerate as to Iran and Syria's interference in Iraq.
* The Walter Reed hospital debacle resulted from "failed leadership."
On Rumsfeld:
How about Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld standing down from his post?
Gen. Franks: We need to be very careful as Americans not to confuse patriotism with political expediency. What I mean is it makes sense to me that Don Rumsfeld left the post as Secretary of Defense.
When he did, I didn't question that decision at all, but I do question those who say he was a terrible Secretary of Defense, because I did not find that to be the case. I told a lot of people Don Rumsfeld is a contrarian.
When he was the Secretary of Defense, he was very tough on himself and on everyone around him. I have also described him as a crotchety guy, and he is just tough to deal with. I have also told a great many people that Don Rumsfeld is a friend of mine. I still talk to him, and on occasion when [wife] Cathy and I are in Washington, we will go out to eat with him and [wife] Joyce.
The guy is an American patriot. He was an American patriot. He is just a touchy guy to get along with.
Read the rest here
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