Monday, April 16, 2007

Mojito anyone?

If this doesn't outrage you over our government school system, then I don't know what in the hell would!

Manhattan public high-school students and a history teacher with
a soft spot for Cuba flouted federal travel restrictions by taking a
spring-break field trip to the communist nation - and now face up to $65,000
apiece in fines, The Post has learned.
The lesson in socializing and
socialism was given to about a dozen students from the selective Beacon School
on the Upper West Side, which for years has organized extravagant overseas trips
with complementary semester-long classes.
Some past destinations include
France, Spain, South Africa, Venezuela, Mexico and, according to the school Web
site, Cuba in 2004 and 2005.
The principal, Ruth Lacey, insisted she did not
approve the April 1-10 jaunt, in which students and teachers said the group was
briefly detained on their return by American customs officials in The Bahamas
and now faces fines.

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