Thursday, February 08, 2007

I DO NOT trust this guy one bit.

He seems like a complete appeaser to whatever the direction of the wind is.

After refusing to endorse President Bush’s tax cuts when he was governor, Mitt Romney has now made them a central part of his presidential campaign, stirring accusations that he is changing his position to appeal to GOP primary voters.
In 2003, Romney stunned a roomful of Bay State congressmen by telling them that he would not publicly support Bush’s tax cuts, which at the time formed the centerpiece of the president’s domestic agenda. He even said he was open to a federal gas tax hike.

Now he wants to seem like a real conservative?
I just don't buy it and I don't know why so many other do.
He seems like a complete flake to me.

Asked if Romney has changed his position out of political expediency, Romney spokesman Kevin Madden said, “The governor has what most other elected officials would envy, and that’s a stellar record of fiscal conservatism; one that is a model for how to run government by balancing budgets and avoiding tax increases.”
But Romney’s fiscal policies in Massachusetts have received mixed marks from conservative watchdogs. The tax-averse Cato Institute gave Romney a “C” on its 2006 fiscal report card, saying the former governor acted aggressively to combat overspending, but failed to hold the line on taxes.
“His first budget included no general tax increases but did include a $500 million increase in various fees,” noted Cato Institute budget director Stephen Slivinski.
Romney has used his support for Bush’s tax cuts to contrast himself with Arizona Sen. John McCain, who has consistently opposed the president’s tax cuts in Congress.

Rudy is still my man for 08 and I will do everything I can to make sure he gets his shot at Hillary!

1 comment:

LRO said...

yeah, I never cared about Mitt either. I saw Rudy's interview with Hannity and Colmes the other day and he convinced me to vote for him!

Rudy '08!!!!