Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Now Global Warming is Causing ROACH MIGRATION?

Climate change blamed for cockroach migration

Climate change is being blamed for a changing of the guard among Sydney's cockroach population.

Researchers say the most common sub-species in city households was the german cockroach, until it disappeared about seven years ago.

Martyn Robinson from the Australian Museum says the Australian house cockroach, methana marginalus, which likes warmer climates, has begun moving in.

"It's most likely to be the...warmer climate," he said.

"They certainly have appeared for many many years just on little spot occurrences where somebody will find this funny little cockroach that's probably come in on their suitcase from a trip up to Queensland.

"Quite likely these ones have also arrived down the same way but they are now breeding."

Anyone really taking this crap seriously?
Roach Migrations? Maybe the reason the Roaches left was because they were all KILLED! Damn.

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